James was passionate about many things in life which included Rock Climbing, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Field hockey, and his Physiotherapy course.
During the development of the Logo it was very important to James' family that, in addition to climbing, his dedication to skydiving and hockey was displayed in the design. All of these pursuits played a big part in shaping the man we all love and remember.
Event details are available on the Facebook page.
As a result of the very generous donations and sponsorship monies received by the JBMF we can proudly announce that the original intention of providing bursaries for a 5 year period has been quickly met and now the fund will provide bursaries for
22 3/4 Years
To match the age of James when he died.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to and supported the fund in a wide variety of ways. We know James lives in ALL your hearts.